Welcome to Fennville and Pearl
United Methodist Church
2024 was a great year for Fennville/Pearl parish! Pearl UMC celebrated its Sesquicentennial and Centennial Celebration on September 8th welcoming former pastors and members of the Pearl Community. Both Churches joined together for Seasonal Bible Study in the spring and Fall; Thanks to Frannie Hernandez for organizing a successful Vacation Bible School where we all learned the importance of “fishing for People”; Fennville UMC celebrated a newly renovated and dry “Library” and thanks again for another successful “Christmas Basket program” That united the community (business and schools) in reaching out to those in need! Above all else to give thanks to all that allowed both churches to be able to be able to balance the budget! We give thanks for the generosity of many to provide ministry both within and outside our church walls!
2025 has begun with a harsh weather month of January but we now look forward to asking us some important questions: In 2025 we hope to raise our vision to the horizon and ask, “Where are we going?” Perhaps a better question is, “Who are we becoming?” Living in the light of the epiphany of the incarnated Christ, we are called to become more—more as individuals certainly, but also more as a community.
Glorifying God is always the goal of our lives. We glorify God by making disciples which is the mission of every believer based on the Great Commission. But evangelism is the main purpose of every church that then leads to disciple making, which glorifies God. Even when you start the disciple making process with one who is unconverted you have as your hope that such a person will convert to Christ. So our purpose for church is evangelism through disciple-making.
Biblically, evangelism is an active word. It is the going out in order to proclaim the message of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unsaved people of the world. Matthew 28:19-20 tells Christians to go, make disciples, baptize, and teach to obey. If there is no going, there are no new disciples to baptize and teach to obey.
Questions to ask our church leaders(that’s all of us): What are your activities at church? While your programs may be good, do they have evangelistic disciple-making as their main activity and purpose?
- Just how passionate is your church about evangelism? When was the last time someone intentionally shared their faith? When was the last time there was a public testimony declared of evangelistic attempts by members of the church?
Sermon Themes
In 2025 we hope to raise our vision to the horizon and ask, “Where are we going?” Perhaps a better question is, “Who are we becoming?” Living in the light of the epiphany of the incarnated Christ, we are called to become more—more as individuals certainly, but also more as a community.
Sunday, February 2, 2025 | Jeremiah 1:4-10 “Stare Scare”
God’s Call Is Personal and Purposeful
Sunday, February 9, 2025 “The Funnel of Misbelief” 1 Corinthians 15:1-11There’s plenty of misinformation circulating on the internet. But there’s one story you can believe.
Sunday February 16, 2025 Luke 6:17-26 “Dream On” We were not put on this earth merely to "make a difference." We were put on this earth to make the world different.
Sunday February 23, 2025 “In Each other’s shadow” Luke 6: 27-38 What’s so golden about the golden rule?
Why do Church?
In a very real sense, the church year begins anew after summer break. Vacations are over! School is back in session and church programming resumes! It seems appropriate; therefore, that this is a perfect time for us to pray together why is it so important that we gather together as a church! “Why do we do church, anyway?”
If you are looking for a small country church, please join us for worship on Sundays @ 9:30 at Pearl United Methodist Church in historic Pearl. Or if you are looking for a church that provides educational opportunities, please join us for Sunday worship @11:00 At Fennville UMC. If you have young children, we have a nursery available for your use during the service. Preschool through 1st grade children will experience a Children's Sermon during the service and then be excused to Sunday school. We have a Youth Ministry for middle school and high school age students.
When you come through the doors you will find very friendly, smiling, caring and loving people that will welcome you and help you find your way. If you have any questions or just want to talk, I am available any time. Just give me a call through the church office.
In Christ,
Rev. Bob Lynch
So as we look for a way to move from our own cultural pagan ways to experience the true presence of God and to invite others to “Do Church together” this fall can become an exciting way to all of us to experience the presence of God and understand “Why We Do Church!” Below are more reasons why we should do church!
It Is What Jesus Did
Luke 14:6 says, "Jesus went back to Nazareth, where he'd been brought up and as usual he went to the meeting place on the Sabbath."
It Is a Good Habit
Hebrews 10:25 says, "Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship. But we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord's coming is getting closer."
It Is a Positive Example
Going to church is a positive example. When you go each Sunday, you're setting an example. You are setting an example that other people notice
It Is Important for Fellowship
Look again at what the Bible says, "Some have gotten out of the habit. We should not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other." The church is an encouraging place. We all need encouragement. Life is hard. Life is difficult.
It Is Essential for Growth
It is absolutely essential for spiritual growth to regularly attend church. I have this phrase, "The service you miss is the service you need."